How to write an ATS cover letter


Your cover letter is your chance to shine, but don’t let a silly mistake dim your light. We always expect a reply to our resume but get disappointed. Not because the resume was not perfect, it is because they didn’t even go look at it once. It may be because the resume must be ATS compatible. Let’s learn together about the best font for a cover letter and resume format for an Applicant Tracking System in this article from Pitch N Hire.


In this evolving world of recruitment, where employees are seeking a job. A new term, not “new” anymore, but Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) has become a basic term in the modern recruitment process. Here’s a summary of what an ATS is and its role in the recruitment process:

What is an ATS?

An ATS is a software program used by companies to organize the hiring process. It acts as a main house for managing employees’ schedules, saving resumes and applications, and computerizing many recruitment tasks. It works to save valuable time, and provides many facilities like templates, styles, and font for cover letters also.

How Does an ATS Work?

Here are some interesting facts about the working of ATS:

  • Job Postings: These are advertisements for open positions within a company. They attract qualified candidates and inform them about the available opportunities in recruiting. 
  • Application Screening: This is where the magic happens. ATS software can scan resumes and cover letters for keywords, skills, and experience mentioned in the job description. This helps filter out unqualified applicants in less time than humans.
  • Management: Once applications are submitted, the ATS organizes them for easy access. Recruiters can track application status, schedule interviews, and collaborate with hiring managers using the system, which leads to a managed process.
  • Communication: ATS also communicates with candidates, sending out interview invites, and rejection notices, and keeping them updated throughout the process. 

The Final Word

Applicant Tracking Systems is about transforming the recruitment process for both employers and job seekers. By understanding how ATS works and adapting your application strategy, you can increase your chances of getting your job easily, creating a new and attractive template with an attractive font for your cover letter.

Why is Pitch N Hire the Top Choice for Modern Recruitment in the US?

In today’s competitive and talented market, finding the right Applicant Tracking System (ATS) is crucial for any organization. But thousands of options are available on the market for recruitment. How do you choose the best fit? Look no further than Pitch N Hire. Here’s why we stand out as the leader in recruitment software:

  • Streamlined Efficiency: Stop using old boring resume themes. Our platform empowers your team to connect with the best candidates.
  • Artificial Intelligence-Powered Matching: Our intelligent algorithms boost machine learning to analyze resumes and identify the strongest qualified employees for your roles. This saves you time.
  • Exceptional Candidate Experience: We understand the importance of creating a positive first impression. Our user-friendly team tackles candidates with respect and professionalism, making them feel valued throughout the process and leaving them with a positive impression of your company, even if they are listed.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Our company decides choices based on factual information and analysis, on your decryption. Not on the style, size of font for cover letter. By using information available through your ATS, you can improve efficiency which leads to long-term success. 
  • Flexibility: We understand that one-size-fits-all doesn’t work in the recruitment process so our platform is easily customizable, so you can make changes according to your specific work needs.
  • Guidelines: Our dedicated support team is always by your side on each and every step, offering expert advice, solving problems, being answerable to your queries, and having problem-free outcomes.
  • Innovation: The world of recruitment is constantly evolving. At Pitch N Hire we remain committed to continuous development. We actively seek user feedback and implement it in the best possible way to ensure your recruitment stays the best.
  • Outcome: Our platform provides a proven track record of success. Companies using Pitch N Hire report significant improvements in hiring efficiency, candidate quality, and overall recruitment satisfaction.

Ready to take your recruitment to the next level? Investing in the right ATS is an investment in your company’s better future. Contact Pitch N Hire today and discover why we are the top choice for modern recruitment in the USA.

Are ATS really Beneficial for Job Seekers or disadvantageous?

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) is a double-sided gamer. They can prove to be a barrier for employees to get their resume listed, but they can actually be a helpful tool in getting your application noticed and making it professional enough.

First of all here’s how an ATS can be beneficial for your cover letter:

Boost Visibility:

  • Relevant keywords: ATS software scans resumes and cover letters for similar keywords mentioned in the job description. Do not focus on the font for cover letter, instead focus on adding relevant keywords to your cover letter. You can increase the chances of your application getting listed by ATS screening and reaching a human recruiter.

Provides Structure:

  • Achievements: ATS prioritizes resumes and cover letters that showcase their achievements. Use your cover letter to highlight your past achievements that align with the desired skills and experience expected by recruiters.
  • Action Verbs: Cover letters that use strong action verbs to describe your skills and experience. Instead of simply telling your duties it better resembles the ATS system.

Encourages Conciseness:

  • Clear and concise Writing: ATS prioritizes easy-to-read documents, with a well format. Writing a concise and focused cover letter that highlights your most relevant qualifications increases your chances of getting selected. Use simple clear headings, bullet points, and a professional font for the cover letter for easy scanning by the ATS.
  • Proofreading: Typos and grammatical errors can be red flags for an ATS, so proofread your cover letter carefully before submitting it.

Now, here is why an ATS can be disadvantageous for your cover letter:

Reduced Creativity:

  • Focus on Keywords Over Storytelling: ATS prioritizes matching keywords in your resume and cover letter to the job description. This can limit your ability to show creativity about your experiences and qualifications.
  • Generic Application: As ATS prioritizes relevant keywords, a generic cover letter you use for multiple applications might not showcase your unique value for a specific position.

Potential Bias:

  • Bias Keywords: ATS can introduce unintended bias. As ATS focuses on relevant keywords, and if you do not use those words it would lead to unlisting your resume.

Technical Glitches:

  • Resume Issues: If your resume is heavily formatted with graphics or fancy fonts, it might not be listed correctly in the ATS.
  • Accidental Rejection: ATS relies on algorithms, and sometimes these algorithms can make mistakes. A perfectly qualified candidate might be rejected due to a technical glitch or unnecessary mistake with font for the cover letter or a poorly phrased resume that doesn’t align perfectly with the keywords.

Increased Competition:

  • Focus on Efficiency Over Fit: Prioritize efficiency by choosing from a large pool of applicants quickly. This can list highly qualified candidates with unique skills in favor of those whose resumes simply match the keywords better.

Overall, while ATS offers an easy process, they can also lead to a more united biased listing out. However, by understanding these limitations, you can still qualify for ATS with these advantages and increase your chance of cracking an interview.

How to Choose the Right Font and Style for Your Cover Letter?

Let’s craft an ATS-Friendly Cover Letter: Mastering cover letter font size, application letter font size, and style.

In today’s digital world, Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) act as masters by scanning employees’ resumes and cover letters based on the provided description and relevant keywords before they reach human recruiters. While a strong resume is crucial, even with a strong resume, you won’t get noticed and qualified by employers if your cover letter isn’t listed.

Here’s the secret weapon: choosing the right style and best font for a cover letter to navigate the ATS and impress employers.

Understanding the ATS Challenge:

Imagine your cover letter needs to qualify for a readability test first. ATS prioritizes clarity and easy-to-read data. Fancy fonts or complex layouts might look creative, but they can confuse the ATS, basically disqualifying your resume on the basis of font.

Style Strategies: Optimizing for Both Humans and Machines

  • Clear Formatting: Use a standard business letter format with clear margins, spacing, and bullet points for easy readability.
  • Concise Content: Keep your cover letter concise, and maximize writing on one page. Focus on highlighting your skills and experiences that go with the job description.
  • Keywords Use: Strategize to use relevant keywords mentioned in the description for the job in your cover letter. Use them naturally within your sentences to tell your qualifications.
  • Proofread: Typos and grammatical errors can be red flags for both humans and ATS. Proofread properly before submitting your cover letter.

Basics of Font:

  • Professional Fonts: Use only classic and any one professional font for cover letters like Arial, Calibri, Times New Roman, or Verdana. These are widely recognized.
  • Readability: Choose a clean and easy-to-read font. Avoid decorative fonts or scripts that might be difficult for ATS to analyze.
  • Consistency: Maintain the same font from start to end in your cover letter and resume for a professional look.

Minds and Machines: Finding the Balance Between Computer and Human Connection

While optimizing for an ATS is important, remember the human element.

  • Personalization: Use the recipient’s name when possible and customize your cover letter to the specific job you’re applying for.
  • Showcase Your Voice: Maintain a professional tone, but don’t be afraid to add your real personality and behavior. Let your passion for the company or role shine through your words and voice.


By understanding how ATS works and incorporating these tips, you can use them to your advantage. By understanding the art of choosing the right font and style, you can craft an ATS-friendly cover letter, which can qualify and make you stand out from the crowd. Remember, it’s about balancing between technical requirements of the ATS and human employers. So, use these techniques, select the best font for your cover letter, cover letter font size, application letter font size and style, improve your writing skills, and get ready to craft an application that gets noticed!

3 thoughts on “How to Write an ATS Cover Letter Recruiters Actually Read?”
  1. Thank you for this comprehensive guide. The practical tips you’ve shared are going to be very useful for my work.

  2. Thank you for this comprehensive guide. The step-by-step approach you’ve taken is very helpful, and I’ve learned a lot that I can apply to my own projects.

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